EPSRC Funds Projects to Develop Phones, Probes and Sensors to Advance

EPSRC Funds Projects to Develop Phones, Probes and Sensors to Advance
Sensor technology to monitor patient's health in their own homes targeting obesity, depression, falls, stroke, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. Led by the University of Bristol with the … Early diagnosis plays a vital role in treatment … Read more on AZoSensors

Girls with disabilities have more period probems
For example, they wonder how it will be managed properly and worry about issues such as pregnancy, particularly if the girl is in residential care. The doctors pointed out that some … with disabilities will encounter problems. "The decision of … Read more on Irish Health

The Problem With How We Treat
I had a preview of depression in high school, when I spent a couple of years wearing all black, rimming my eyes in kohl and sliding against the walls in the hallways, hoping that no one would notice me. But back then I didn't think it was a very … Read more on New York Times

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