“For the Love of a Child” Lifetime?

Question by sophmorechica: “For the love of a child” lifetime?
A few days ago i watched “For the love of a child” on lifetime. It was about abused children and how they went to a place to be taken care of. If you ever saw, do you remember the lady who worked with the children when they painted, the one who had the daughter at home?
Well, i think that i would be interested i a career like that but im not sure what that profession is called. Im guessing it would be some sort of psychologist, but im not sure?
Do you know what it would be called?
What other professions deal with abused/hurt kids?

Best answer:

Answer by qwestionz
You are probably talking about being an art therapist. It is a specialized degree with a master’s, at least, in counseling, psychology, social work or a related field with a specialization in art therapy. However, as a counselor, with a master’s degree and licensed as a counselor by my state, I have utilized a projective technique which you can look up online called “House, Tree, Person” and “Kinetic Family Drawing.” These projective techniques are amazing in what children can tell you with their drawings. The most important “skill” needed to help children though is to have “eyes to see and ears to hear” because they will tell you with their words, their expressions and their drawings.

If you are attracted to that kind of work and want to learn more about the child welfare field, you can become a CASA volunteer and learn EVERYTHING about how to help these kinds of children.

I love Lifetime.

Answer by ralfie t
I believe the profession you are thinking of is referred to as Art Therapy.
“Art therapists treat individuals using therapeutic art tasks. Art therapy uses art and the creative process to facilitate communication, expression of emotions, physical and cognitive skills, self-awareness, and personal growth. The art therapist develops art activities to erode
barriers to self-expression and explores the image with the client.”

There are lots of other professions that deal with abused children. Which field you enter would more than likely depend on not only what you are interested but how involved you wish to be with these kids.
Teaching at a school for emotionally disturbed children, Working at a group home in which these children live, Social worker, Child Psychologist, to just name a few professions, all of which need different levels of training or education and have different levels of interaction with the kids. Regardless of what specific field you enter, although it can be an emotionally trying one, it is also one of the most rewarding.

Good luck!

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