Getting Kicked Out of the Navy!?

Question by Bryan has a dream: getting kicked out of the navy!?
well it is definite for those who have seen my other posts.
heres a link if your curious –;_ylt=AhXvzJW0tLihM8zRfyCEbhfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090306184654AAebWi9

i messed up but am not a mess up {if that makes sense}, just some questions:

-what do yahoo answers’ think i should do now for the next chapter of my life?

-what would you do if yall were me?

-just looking for suggestions.


Best answer:

Answer by thims
Not sure if your being straight with us or not. It sounds like you have a pattern of getting into trouble. Pretty much unheard of getting booted for one instance of pot. Most get a second chance. But I am sure that some commands could be hard asses.

This doesn’t make you a bad person, so don’t get down. Just get out and bust your ass in school and look for a job.

Answer by charcoalrocknroll
You can still use you GI Bill if you paid for it. I’d go to school(the first semester or so just take the pre-req’s) and then from there you can decide what you want to do.
Being discharged isn’t the end of your life, it’s not all downhill from here.
Time to pick up the pieces and close the Navy chapter and look forward to a new one.

But yeah I’d definitely take a bit of time to go to school since you’re still young and get as much education as you can under your belt.

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