Health Anxiety Can Be Reduced With Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Health Anxiety Can Be Reduced With Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Researchers concluded that CBT treatment does not have to be limited in the scope of practice of other health professionals and it is proven to help high levels of generalized anxiety and depression, which are linked to health anxiety. "Until now, we … Read more on Counsel & Heal
Ketron: Students should not avoid counseling for fears, uncertainty
I was depressed. The hardest part was walking into the counseling center. I wanted to leave immediately. I wanted to throw up. I felt like everyone in the room was judging me, like I didn't deserve to be there. There are other people who have suffered … Read more on The Daily Toreador (registration)
Depression Counseling – Depression is a real psychological illness and is treatable through a variety of therapies. If you are struggling with Depression, talk to a counselor today!…
Tags: anxiety and depression, health anxiety, cognitive behavior therapy, counseling center