Help! “Social Anxiety Disorder Was Not Recognized or Diagnosed Accurately Until Recent Years.”?

Question by her: Help! “ disorder was not recognized or diagnosed accurately until recent years.”?
I need to somehow incorporate how is it is also known as social phobia.
Like… Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia was not recognized….
Social anxiety disorder (aka social phobia) was not recognized…

I just don’t know what is the best way to say it. Help please!

Best answer:

Answer by :D
I would say: “Social anxiety (also known as social phobia) was not recognized or diagnosed accurately until recent years.”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Epilepsy drug leads to weight loss, side effects

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Dissolve Social Anxiety – Home Recovery Program
A 12 Week Intensive Recovery System That Helps People That Suffer From Social Anxiety To Overcome It And Learn To Become Socially Expressive.
Dissolve Social Anxiety – Home Recovery Program


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