Heroin Delivery in Great Kills: 'It'S Just Everywhere'

Heroin delivery in Great Kills: 'It's just everywhere'
Salinari, 24, a new mother who is currently in a substance abuse treatment program, recalls dealers regularly delivering her bundles of heroin while she was still living at her parent's house in Great Kills. That delivery system, she says, made her … Read more on SILive.com

Medicare's midlife crisis: Catastrophic finances pit doctors against patients
And for Maryanne, that means she can't get the treatment she needs. She has had surgery … She would gladly try it, and while the has approved cold laser therapy for the relief of pain, Medicare won't pay for it as it … Read more on Washington Examiner

Murder trial rescheduled
Bowling sentenced the woman to four years CCS under intensive supervised probation, inpatient drug treatment, 200 hours community service and restitution in the amount of $ 12,229. • Jamie Blevins, 31, of 2733 S. Seventh St., Ironton, was arraigned on a … Read more on Ironton Tribune

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