Holistic Eating Disorder Treatment… WHY It Works!


Holistic Eating Disorder Treatment… WHY It works! – www.eatingdisorderfreedomcoach.com The ‘Holistic Eating Disorder Treatment’ method is the most powerful treatment of an eating disorder out there. Period. Treatment of an eating disorder MUST engage our whole being our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. Nothing frustrates me more than seeing YOU really do WANT your freedom… but no matter how HARD you try, you keep hitting brick walls, suffering set-backs and finally relapsing… NOT because you aren’t committed to your freedom.. but because no one is teaching you the ‘holistic approach’ to your freedom. NOT knowing this information practically predicts your failure before you even start. Watch this video to find out why Holistic Treatment of an eating disorder is the most powerful, promising and supportive method in existence. Holistic Eating Disorder Treatment worked for me, and I would be willing to bet it will work for you too. In love and freedom, Shan ———————————————— Some places I hang out: My Blog: shanlarter.com Facebook on.fb.me Twitter: twitter.com www.youtube.com


New Outcome Study Indicates Simultaneous Treatment of OCD and Eating
Pulled from data for patients admitted to Rogers' Eating Disorder Center (EDC) from 2006-2011, the research indicates that simultaneous treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and can be more effective with a multi-modal … Read more on MarketWatch (press release)

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