Homeopathic Remedies for Depression: Homeopathic Approach for Depression
Depression is a mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities.
These feelings may be accompanied by somatic complaints, such as changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, restlessness or lethargy, and decreased concentration. The patient also may have thoughts of death, suicide, or injuring herself.
Major depression strikes 10% to 15% of adults, affecting all racial, ethnic, age, and socioeconomic groups. It’s twice as common in women as in men and is especially prevalent among adolescents.
Depression has numerous causes, including genetic and family history, medical and psychiatric disorders, and the use of certain drugs. It can also occur in the postpartum period. A complete psychiatric and physical examination should be conducted to exclude possible medical causes.
Causes of depression: Organic disorders: Various organic disorders and chronic illnesses produce mild, moderate, or severe depression. Among these are metabolic and endocrine disorders, such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes; infectious diseases, such as influenza, hepatitis, and encephalitis; degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and multi-infarct dementia; and neoplastic disorders such as cancer. Psychiatric disorders: Affective disorders are typically characterized by abrupt mood swings from depression to elation or by prolonged episodes of either mood. In fact, severe depression may last for weeks. More moderate depression occurs in cyclothymic disorders and usually alternates with moderate mania. Moderate depression that’s more or less constant over a 2-year period typically results from dysthymic disorders. Also, chronic anxiety disorders, such as panic and obsessive-compulsive disorder, may be accompanied by depression. Alcohol abuse: Long-term alcohol use, intoxication, or withdrawal commonly produces depression. Drugs: Various drugs cause depression as an adverse effect. Among the more common are barbiturates, chemotherapeutic drugs such as asparaginase, anticonvulsants such as diazepam, and antiarrhythmics such as disopyramide. Other depression-inducing drugs include centrally acting antihypertensives, beta-adrenergic blockers corticosteroids; and hormonal contraceptives. Postpartum period: Although its cause hasn’t been determined, postpartum depression occurs in about 1 in every 2,000 to 3,000 women who have given birth. Symptoms range from mild postpartum blues to an intense, suicidal, depressive psychosis. Management:
1. Help the patient set realistic goals; encourage her to promote feelings of self-worth by expressing her opinions and making decisions.
2. Try to determine her suicide potential, and take steps to help ensure her safety.
3. The patient may require close surveillance to prevent a suicide attempt.
4. Make sure the patient receives adequate nourishment and rest, and keep her environment free from stress and excessive stimulation. Homoeopathic approach: Aurum metallicum:
Our great remedy for melancholia where there is an actual disgust for life, a longing for death and a tendency to suicide; this tendency is only mental, the patient rarely, yet sometimes, attempting it.
The memory is weak; anger or dispute makes the patient furious ; there is a tendency to rush of blood to the head with these melancholic states.
The typical Sulphur patient is irritable, a chronic, constitutional grumbler or else a ragged philosopher, life having been a failure.
Its usefulness in mental conditions is extensive and it corresponds closely to religious mania or melancholia; he becomes most anxious about his own salvation, but different to that of others, an egotistic condition often seen in our asylums and sometime out of them.
These patients will dress themselves up in rags and imagine that they are clad in gorgeous attire; they will wear paper crowns with the majesty of a king, prince or potentate.
Natrum muriaticum:
The patient requiring this remedy is melancholic, hypochondriacal , sad and hopeless about the future, easily angered, in fact, consolation aggravates.
There is emaciation and a prematurely aged look.
The periodic nature of the attacks of the attacks may suggest a malarial basis.
Overheating in the sun as a causal indication is a prominent symptom. Patient sheds floods of tears.
With this remedy there is a persistent recalling of past unpleasantnesses and grievances.
His memory is poor, conversation disconnected, has hallucinations of hearing and delusions.
Another melancholic remedy is Sepia, which has dark forebodings about her disease, weak memory, sense of helplessness and great susceptibility to excitement, and still more to terror; despair
She dreads to be alone, wants company, but has an aversion to her own friends and is indifferent to her household affairs.
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Tags: multiple sclerosis, major depression, multiple scler, san francisco chronicle, edical c