How Can I Get Rid of Depression Without Telling Anyone?
Question by Dude: How can I get rid of depression without telling anyone?
I just want to be normal again :(
I’m 14 if that means anything ._.
Best answer:
Answer by WhiteWitch
maditation thats what i did
Answer by Joseph
Do some exercises that helped me out also try to just hang out with friends cause at least you’ll have someone with you during those times
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Natural Treatment For Depression Tips #3 – ***************** ********************* natural treatment for depression tips. Exercise can be a powerful shifter of our mental and emotional state, and of course the physical as we become fitter and stronger. When we exercise we release endorphins in the brain which are our happy hormones and make us feel good. Doing strength training we also release growth hormone from our pituitary gland in our brain and this is also very mood enhancing and a great natural treatment for depression. This is tip number 3 for depression and so make sure you watch the previous 2 videos and the next ones in this series of natural treatments and remedies for depression.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is common but treatable
This is indicated in other types of depression,” Rockey said. Treatment does not have to be all medicinal. Rockey said there are other options including simply getting some sunlight. She suggests increasing the exposure to natural light, especially in … Read more on Gallipolis Daily Tribune
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When we see the country in a depression (not recession), but continuing wars of imperialism in Afghanistan and other places, we know that slavery hasn't gone anywhere. The fact is we are all slaves to the system and the … The ICCF's history ranges … Read more on Bay Area Indymedia
Tags: seasonal affective disorder, treatment for depression