How Can I Tell the Difference Between an Anxiety Attack and a Crying Spell?

Question by noone: how can i tell the difference between an anxiety attack and a crying spell?
I don’t know which i have been having!! IT starts out, that i wanna cry, and i do a little… then an hour goes by and i wanna cry some more… and then another hour goes by and i burst into hysterics and feel trapped and guilty and hommocidal like there is no way out and it’ll never get better and all i can do is bang my head into the wall and drug myself to sleep to make it stop.

Best answer:

Answer by roxy denise
Crying spells are periods of grief in which one expresses emotion through crying. This kind of tearfulness does not always have a cause, and is frequently related to like depression

anxiety attacks:
Surge of overwhelming panic
Feeling of losing control or going crazy
Heart palpitations or chest pain
Feeling like you’re going to pass out
Trouble breathing or choking sensation
Hot flashes or chills
Trembling or shaking
Nausea or stomach cramps
Feeling detached or unreal
Pounding heart
Stomach upset or dizziness
Frequent urination or diarrhea
Shortness of breath
Tremors and twitches
Muscle tension
Feelings of apprehension or dread
Trouble concentrating
Feeling tense and jumpy
Anticipating the worst
Watching for signs of danger

+There are six major types of anxiety disorders, each with their own distinct symptom profile: generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

if your problems worsen you should go see a doctor and see if you have any of these anxiety disorders

Answer by Ken
Well, that’s called depression not an anxiety attack. An anxiety attack is when you feel like you are having a heart attack. Not fun. Anyway, there’s a billion ways to make yourself feel better. Get to the root of what is causing you to feel this way. Take up a new hobby where you do things that you feel are important. Go to church. Start exercising. Eat right. Don’t drink in excess. Fall in love with someone or something. Don’t worry. You can do it.

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