How Do I Tell My Infertile Friend That I’m Pregnant?

Question by KSwis: How do I tell my infertile friend that I’m pregnant?
My very good friend and co-worker has been trying to get pregnant for several years now and the doctors and telling her and her husband it just isn’t going to happen. It’s caused her to become very depressed. Within the last year two other close friends in our “group” have become pregnant, which has been very hard for my friend to watch. Now I’m pregnant. I’m extremely excited but I’ve avoided telling her thus far because I want to be sensitive to what she’s going through. Any ideas for how to communicate the news to her?

Best answer:

Answer by Dolphin
You will have tell her sooner or later, or she will notice it. So better tell her earlier, so that she will over come her depression and won’t feel low. Start like this , (Name – I think, I am not well, sounds something like a pregnancy). She will forget her depression and will take care of you.
Hope this helps.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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