How Do Psychology “Labels/ Diagnosis” Follow You?
Question by Eric: How do psychology “labels/ diagnosis” follow you?
I have been severely depressed the last few years. Now even though i am under the care of a psychiatrist, i am worse than ever. even to the point of considering suicide at points. I have considered checking into a mental health facility for care, but i am afraid of the “labels” that may follow me.
My psychiatrist says she does not want to diagnose me with Major Depression because “it’s a label that will follow you for a long time.” I have heard in the past that diagnosis’ like this do “follow” you.
I am wondering exactly how does a diagnosis like Major Depression “follow” you? that is how does simply having this diagnosis affect your life? Also would checking into a mental health facility follow me in the same way?
thank you
Best answer:
Answer by PSYCHOLOGIST (J E B [Glos]).
this is an example study the took place:
You can keep begging her not to label you, as this will reinforce her reluctance to label you are give you the best possible care, but you must not become depend on her:
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Tags: bipolar depression, primary care, mental health, mental health facility, understanding depression, major depression, a psychiatrist