How Do You Get Insurance to Cover.?
Question by hubhubhi12: How do you get insurance to cover.?
How do I get my insurance to cover eating disorder residential. I live in Pennsylvania and I have been in different eating disorder treatment like hospital temp. But I think I would have a better recovery if I went to residential. My insurance is Access.
Best answer:
Answer by Go with the flow
Why don’t you just start eating?
Sounds a whole heck of a lot less complicated.
Answer by A Hunch
Sorry “go with the flow” not all eating disorder are undereating…
Unfortunately the insurance either covers it or doesn’t cover it. There is no way to make them cover it, if your plan doesn’t cover it. If you want a less expensive plan, it doesn’t cover things like in-patient rehab, chiropractor, physical therapy, etc. You get what you pay for.
Read your plan documents to determine if this in-patient treatment is covered. Hopefully it is.
If it is not, contact the treatment facility to see if they have any grant programs or anything to help you pay for it.
good luck!!
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Tags: behavioral health care, residential treatment centers, psychiatric patients, christian addiction