How Many Years of School Do You Need to Become a Substance Abuse and Behavioral Counselor?
Question by Olivia: How many years of school do you need to become a substance abuse and behavioral counselor?
Also, not a school counselor. I want to work with adults and teenagers but I didn’t know I would have to go to school for almost eight years? Is this true? Did my school counselor have to go to school for that long too?
Best answer:
Answer by StellaStarfire
“While on-the-job training is often provided, some employers prefer candidates that have a bachelor’s degree or higher in psychology, sociology or a related subject along with two years of counseling in a related field or equivalent life experience such as being a former drug addict or performing volunteer work. Some substance abuse counselors have a master’s degree in mental health counseling. Numerous colleges provide associate degree programs for counselors which usually take two years to complete. The programs include training in drugs and alcohol. Some of the programs offer training in crisis intervention.
The criteria for licensure varies by state. In some cases, the candidates are only required to have a high school diploma and certification. The National Board for Certified Counselors offers a general practice credential of National Certified Counselor. The national certification is distinct from state licensing. The board also provides a speciality certification in addiction counseling.”
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Tags: addiction treatment, drug and alcohol, substance abuse counselors, drug addict, group therapy, mental health, ational c