How Much Would a Massage Therapist Make in a Small Town?

Question by Gorgeous: how much would a massage therapist make in a small town?
just out of curiosity. I don’t plan on going to a 4 + year college and I don’t know what all career options I have. my friend told me id be good at massage therapy because well supposedly I give awesome massages and what not. I looked online and it said id be making about 180,000 dollars a year but that sounds to me like id have to be in this really great area and I live in an extremely small town. just curious about my salary if I stayed(I don’t plan on it). also if someone could tell me some enjoyable careers that pay well that would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Ariaread
ZERO so she closed up shop. Small towns the residents are just not into paying for a massage.
The one in our town tried for two years to build a business and finally gave up.
You would do better becoming a dog groomer.

Answer by Doktor Evil
I highly doubt you could make a living in a small town. Massage therapists are generally located in more affluent area with the disposable income to get massages. But, consider being a massage therapist you could afford to live in a resort community such as Maui, or a Caribbean island

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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