How to Die From Med Overdose?

Question by Jane Doe: How to die from med overdose?
I believe I’m the most cowardly person on Earth….Firstly,I’ve been suicidal for five years now due to academic stress and various family issues and I’ve hit the rock bottom in depression.I consider suicide 24/7,like literally I think about killing myself all of the time.A few minutes ago I was in my room sobbing and wanting to die.I took a scarf and tried to wrap it around the fan and then around my neck…but as I mentioned earlier I’m a coward….I can’t even take my life….Right now I’m planning to overdose on the medicine “concor” 10 mg.My mom takes this med for hypertension.I believe OD on it will do the job by lowering my blood pressure to death and I just want to know if its gonna work or not.I’ve got eight pills here and I’ll manage to get some more.Please don’t tell me about the suicide is permanent solution to temporary problem crap… Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by John
Med overdoses almost always result in a failed suicide attempt simply because they take too long to react – almost always they leave some permanent damage behind after the attempt… for example you could wake up from the attempt with severe brain damage, or find that you need to have a kidney transplanted etc.

Think of it this way – only 3% of suicide attempts are successful. Even a gunshot to the head isn’t a guarranteed kill. If you got hit by a train, there’s still a 10% chance you’d survive only to find your legs/arms ripped off.

Answer by A.D.G.
I highly doubt 8 pills of anything will kill you. Clearly your mother needs those meds, so don’t take them away from her. I took 80 sleeping pills once and I lived. I’ve taken 20 narcotics and I lived. Overdoses are hard to die from, don’t bother.

You might want to voluntarily check in to a psych hospital. They will put you on antidepressants, maybe some antianxiety, and help you figure things out, hopefully set you up with some counseling.

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