How Would These Mental Medical Conditions Affect Ones Ability Tocare for Ones Personal Needs?

Question by Alice: how would these mental medical conditions affect ones ability tocare for ones personal needs?
How would the following mental/medical conditions affect ones ability to care for ones personal needs if one person had all of them together. Adhd bipolar insomnia depression anxiety attacks and type 1 diabetes.

Best answer:

Answer by Ed Leger
For people who are suffering from bipolar disorder, their problems may be compounded by anxiety. In 1921, Dr. Emil Kraepelin described it is as an “excited depression” and “anxious mania”. According to him, anxiety is one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. This view is highly debatable because some psychologists argue that anxiety is not a symptom. How does anxiety affect a person with bipolar disorder?

To understand how anxiety can affect people who are suffering from bipolar disorder, it’s necessary to answer the question from both angles. On one side, let’s look at anxiety as a symptom of bipolar disorder. In this case, the bipolar patient will suffer from less anxiety as the disorder improves. On the other side, let’s look at anxiety as a condition which is separate from this condition.

In this case, the bipolar patient’s condition may improve but the anxiety problems may still persist. The patient will receive separate treatment for anxiety and bipolar disorder. Now, the problem is that antidepressant medication is used to treat anxiety but the medication is not suitable for bipolar patients because it makes the disorder worse.

When anxiety is a symptom, the patients say that they feel some kind of “agitation”. This can be manifested in the way the patients walk around the room as they are

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