Hydro Physio – Hip Replacement Rehabilitation
Hydro Physio – Hip Replacement Rehabilitation – Roger had recently had his second hip replacement when he got in touch with Hydro Physio asking if we could help him with rehabilitation. He walked with a li…
All kids deserve qualified teachers
“You wouldn't go to a mechanic for a hip replacement, so why does the government think kids should be forced into classrooms with unqualified teachers? Someone can be highly qualified in a particular field or discipline but that doesn't mean they know … Read more on Scoop.co.nz (press release)
Looking forward to a 'comfortable' retirement? Compulsory super contributions …
Finally, it doesn't factor in that you might have a large unforseen medical expense such as a hip replacement, which could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. So if you factor in a few of these, in addition to allowing for cost of living increases … Read more on Women’s Agenda
How patient centered are medical decisions?
The decisions included: medication for hypertension, elevated cholesterol, or depression; screening for breast, prostate or colon cancer; knee or hip replacement for osteoarthritis, or surgery for cataract or low back pain. "…we saw great variation in … Read more on EurekAlert (press release)
Tags: back pain, hip replacement, low back pain