Hypnose Berlin, Stress, Burnout Syndrom, Krisen Bewältigen, Depression
Hypnose Berlin, Stress, Burnout Syndrom, Krisen bewältigen, Depression – Ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus meiner Arbeit: Hypnose kann bei vielfältigen Anliegen und Problemen helfen und unterstützen. Alle Anliegen die Sie mit Ihrem ratio…
OPEC Seeks To Destroy U.S. Oil Production [Seadrill Ltd, BP plc (ADR …
Another angle that needs to be looked at is the fact that a significant price drop in oil typically indicates an oncoming recession. Although the man on the street in my opinion never left the depression started in the 2008 crisis, it is very likely … Read more on ETF Daily News
After my father's suicide, I fell into despair. I now know it was PTSD
Two years after my father killed himself, everything suddenly fell apart. I had failed to grieve and was plagued by nightmares. Now I understand why I was suffering. Rene Rivkin. 'He had always been my hero, larger than life, and I adored him … Read more on The Guardian
CENTERS PIECE: What is EMDR and can it beneficial?
EMDR is used in treating trauma, from smaller traumas to larger ones. EMDR is used to treat PTSD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Complicated Grief, Eating Disorders, Phobias, Addictions, Dissociative Disorders, Performance Anxiety or Enhancement, … Read more on Odessa American
Tags: daily news, eating disorder, anxiety disorders, anxiety disorder, eating disorders