I Don’t Know Why…


I Don’t Know Why… – If you are an Alcoholic, you have probably asked yourself this question, “I don’t know why,” many times. Please reach out to your loved ones and those that are trying to help you. Because…


Partnership expands recovery services for homeless and uninsured
The collaboration, funded under the United Way's health community goal, seeks to make substance abuse treatment more accessible to those who are uninsured or cannot pay for private so that they can overcome their addictions and live … Read more on Lawrence Journal World

ALONE IN THE DARK: Probation emphasis changes from punishment to self-help
Drug-related as well as alcohol-related offenses keep its Probation Department busy throughout the year. Probation officers verify probationers' … Nielsen said opiate abusers routinely travel the same path to addiction, commencing with the use of … Read more on Wicked Local

Marijuana research doesn't support legalization, public health advocates say
COLUMBUS, Ohio — People who want to legalize marijuana in Ohio like to point out that it's safer than a widely used legal substance: alcohol. Opponents, however, raise concerns about the potential side effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the … Read more on cleveland.com

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