I Need an Opinion on Something Serious?
Question by Rin: I need an opinion on something serious?
I’m a sophmore in high school and i was caught by my parents buying pot. I have execptional grades (all b’s and a’s) and i’m on on honor roll in my school. Also i am a varsity xc runner. This has been the third time my parents have caught me. The first time they found it in my laundry at the start of freshman year about a week into starting to smoke. The second time 11 months later in the middle of August. Both times they have grounded me for a month (no phone, fb, hanging out with friends etc.)
Now my for my third offense my parents are sending me to a rehab center. It’s not a full on program where i am taken out of school and sent away. But it’s after school about 3-4 times a week for 2 hours. Now on top of this they are making me pay for this whole program. The reason they put me in this is because within the week i was ungrounded i was caught once again and they have concluded that i have an addiction to pot.
On top of putting me through a “substance abuse rehabilitation program” they are transferring me out of my highly ranked public school to put me in a Catholic school.
My argument to them is that i smoke pot once or twice a week which is maybe a bit over average but nothing extreme. And they know that. I also told them that it is not effecting my grades because freshmen year i had a 3.5 GPA, which isn’t outstanding but I think it is very good. I also show my parents respect, love them and spend time with them.
I would like to hear an opinion on my punishment.
Best answer:
Answer by Lee Bigwok
Dude I’m sorry but your parents have the leash on this one. I think that sucks for sure but you might have to wait until you’re eighteen. You’d have to play in the grey area to convince your parents.
Answer by Lorelle
I would have gotten my a** whooped. It is NOT ok for you to be using illigal substances no matter how “common or average” it is.
As for your punishment, had you been my child, after the first time catching you (with a severe grounding) I would have let the police deal with you, because if you think that you are “adult” enough to be doing drugs, you will be treated like one. The law is the law, like it or not.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Tags: catholic church, substance abuse, rehab center, rehabilitation program