I Need Info From Anyone That Has Detoxed Themself Off of Crack, I Am Trying to Help a Loved One to Get Off It.
Question by ykingrea: i need info from anyone that has detoxed themself off of crack, i am trying to help a loved one to get off it.
i am helping my sister get off crack and really need as much advise as i can get from anyone who has done it or helped someone else. any info or advise about things that are helpful during this process, tonight is the first night that we are starting and i really don’t know much about what i am up against. so symptoms, things to help or anything at this point. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Nightrider
Been there, done that. My advise? Don’t. But I admire you for caring and taking this bold step. It is a big challenge.
Get your sister into a detox centre. There are professional help available to those who ask. You are asking. So, it is available. It’s free.
Because you are not a pro at this, you will actually harm your sis than helping her.
Answer by Marcie
I agree… detox place is good idea. There’s a good chance that she will get extremely depressed and really want to go use to alleviate the depression.
Call NA (narcotics anonymous) Find in the ph Book.
Take her to a meeting ASAP.
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Tags: addiction treatment, medical detox, detox centre, alcohol addiction, medical detoxification, narcotics anonymous