I Want to Lower My Resting Bpm But…?
Question by *******************: I want to lower my resting bpm but…?
I’m fit, I’m known as an athlete, my bmi is perfect my hight, well I’m a little tall 5’11 and I just turned 15. I’m not really stressed out but in the school year I get stressed really bad. I also have clinical depression if that has anything to do with anything. I usually ride my bike 7-10 miles a day, and the hills in my area are insane. Finally I have scoliosis in my thoracic spine and cervical spine and sometimes cardiac arrhythmia diagnosed by my doctor. So what’s the deal? I play sports, not too stressed, physically fit, I am thin but I’m lean I’m pretty muscular. And no matter how much I train, play, ride. I can’t lower my resting bpm. What can I do?
Best answer:
Answer by Loyin
Scoliosis patients should not be excessive physical exercise, it is likely make the scoliosis get worse.
This kind of disease should be found early, treatment in time. You have found it now, you should be treated in a timely.
Cardiac arrhythmia may cause by scoliosis, because scoliosis have so many complications.
Current research shows that idiopathic scoliosis is a multifaceted disease that compromises five of the body’s systems: digestive, hormonal, muscular, osseous (bones), and neurological.
It can deplete the body’s nutritional resources and damage its major organs including the heart and lungs.In severe scoliosis, the rib cage may press against the lungs and heart, making it more difficult to breathe and harder for the heart to pump. Scoliosis can cause decrease of pleuroperitoneal cavity scale and influenced respiratory, blood circulation and endocrine system.
Zhang’s Combination Therapy is a prior therapy for non-operative therapies to cure spinal curvature. According to the age, gender, disease time and curved position, angle, direction and complications, will set up specific therapeutic plans to maximum the effect of treatment. At the same time, according to the physiology and mechanics principles, there will be no operation, and after the treatment patients can still have a flexible spine, and would not impact patient’s normal life.
Especially for the treatment of adolescent scoliosis, the effect will be better. Because the spine of teenagers are still developing, can recover better.
Now you are 15, it’s the golden time for treating for scoliosis.
And scoliosis in thoracic spine and cervical spine is easier to recover than in lumbar spine.
You can search on the Internet by “TCM Treatment for Scoliosis” or ” Zhang’s Combination Therapy “,etc ,you can read more information about the treatment.
If you don’t mind tell me more about your condition,you can email me, it’s my pleasure to help you, My email is :[email protected]
Welcome email me.
Wishing you a speedy recovery to health. Take care
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Tags: physical exercise, cervical spine, lumbar spine, magnetic therapy, physical therapy, clinical depression
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