If an Atheist Is an Alcoholic?
Question by Prof Fruitcake: If an atheist is an alcoholic?
What does he do for a higher power in AA?
There’s no punch line. Serious question.
Best answer:
Answer by chastity {R}
I’m waiting for the punch line.
Answer by ???????·?????da?
i’m a alcoholic, and i’m not a “HE”… and the only place i plan on going for help for this so called problem is the liquor store.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Heroin Needles Popping Up in Clark Co.
September is national recovery month and on Saturday, McKinley Hall, a drug and alcohol abuse center in Springfield is hosting its second annual recovery rally. People who have overcome addiction will share their stories. The rally starts at noon … Read more on WKEF ABC 22
Overeaters Anonymous helps those who compulsively eat
When/Where: 7 p.m. on Tuesdays in Room 107 of the First Christian Church of Visalia, 1023 N. Chinowth St., Visalia Tuesday Contact: Traci at 733-5421 … They turn to food whereas some people would turn to drugs or alcohol to fill the void they're … Read more on Visalia Times-Delta
Valley Rescue Mission celebrates 50 years
"I came here for rehab for drugs and alcohol," says Seth Markham, who is currently in the mission's substance abuse recovery program, "and it's funny because I've had people with a college degree send me to $ 50,000 rehabs and I couldn't afford it, and … Read more on WRBL
Tags: substance abuse recovery, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, mckinley hall, drug and alcohol, drug and alcohol abuse, drugs and alcohol