If Someone Owes Child Support and They Marry Will It Affect the Other Person in Any Way?

Question by yvonne: If someone owes child support and they marry will it affect the other person in any way?
My boyfriend owes child support and we want to get married but we’re arfraid that it will affect me. I mean will child support come after me and my money once we marry? He’s paying but we’re not sure how it works since theres money he owes still.

Best answer:

Answer by Lucius Scribbens
Laws could be different from state to state, but the judgement is against him, not you, so the State can not garnish your wages. However, if you two buy a home they can put a lien against it so that if sell or refinance the State will get the money owed. But, if he owes back child support and it shows on his credit report (which it will) you will not be able to buy a house anyway. So tell him to get caught-up because it will affect your life together in other ways.

One last comment: If he hasn’t paid his ex child support than you can rest assured if things go bad between you and him that he won’t pay you either.

Answer by JOSEFINA
Well it depends but I’m pretty sure it will affect you because the beautiful thing about marriage is your problem is now OUR problem. This includes IRS problems, money problems, children etc. You need to check the laws in your state. Child support maybe a little different.

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