In the New TV Series “Elementary” How Is Sherlock Home’s Origin Handled?

Question by David: in the new TV series “Elementary” how is Sherlock Home’s origin handled?
is he A:time traveler B: a man frozen suspended animation awoke in a new time fighting crime the “good old fashion way” C: born in the late 1960s/early 70s and only now beginning his legionary life D: A descendant of the original crime fighter who shares both his name and skills or E: a mystery man nobody knows about who just shows up offering the local PD his talents in crime fighting and never letting on how he got so good at crime fighting or any info about of his past leaving people to guess and wonder?

Best answer:

Answer by Holly
He was a in England and his dad sent him to america after his rehab. Joan Watson is like his mentor to get him back into life. Its another modern take on the stories, supposedly not a rip off bbc Sherlock but who knows.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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