Increase in Elderly Alcohol Abuse Anticipated
Increase in elderly alcohol abuse anticipated
Alcohol abuse among the elderly could become an increasing problem as the population ages, say experts. The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) and several other health agencies, are funding a series of workshops on alcohol abuse among the elderly. Read more on The Press West Coast
Marketers could do more to create engaging anti-alcohol abuse messages
In the UK, the only tools to tackle alcohol abuse seem to be minimum prices per unit of alcohol or curbs on marketing. The former looks to have been kicked into the long grass, in England at least. Guess where that leaves drinks industry marketers? On … Read more on Marketing Week
Alcohol and Abuse Daily News Review: Home of the 3 Minute A – – Brent Shapiro Summer Spectacular and tons of celebrities, College DUI kills 6 & National Drug Survey parent advice.
Tags: alcohol abuse, daily news