Is Alchohol the Only Drug That Is Physically Addictive?
Question by ImCoNfUsEd: Is alchohol the only drug that is physically addictive?
I was told this by an addictions counsoler, but it doesn’t sound rite. She said alcohol is the only drug that is PHYSICALLY addictive, and the rest are mental addictions.
Best answer:
Answer by bamfgrl23
Why do you think they have methadone clinics??? Heroin is extremely physically addictive.
Answer by dantea_2007
I dont believe that because it is proven that narcotics like weed, cocaine, heroine..etc. are addictive and even cigarettes are addictive because your body is used to those extra endorphynes (dont think thats spelled right) but when it starts to deplete they want more therefore causing the person to seek more drugs….
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A person who doesn't drink may even swish alcohol in their mouth to blow a high number on a breathalyzer at the detox center, just to have a warm place to sleep for the night, Vukotich said. On most days, Vukotich dissects newspapers for the crossword … Read more on Rapid City Journal
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Others include chemotherapy or radiation exposure, certain medications, coffee, tea, hydrogenated and saturated fat, fizzy drinks, certain household chemicals, cigarette smoke and alcohol. At your rescue are antioxidants, which are powerful nutrients … Read more on Times of India
Tags: alcohol addiction, alcohol detox, drug and alcohol, detox center, rapid city journal, new jersey