Is Anxiety a Psychological or Biological Disorder?

Question by Peter M: Is anxiety a psychological or biological disorder?
What I’m asking is, is there a biological basis for my anxiety “disorder” or is it just the way I think? If you looked at my brain, would there be anything different about it than the “average” person’s brain? Can I be “cured” from generalized anxiety disorder with just cognitive behavioral therapy or do I need medication?

Best answer:

Answer by jcj099 – lsbn
i honestly think there are a lot of reasons for mental health issues… biological, psychological, environment… etc… i have severe anxiety and ocd… i’m starting to think i can’t be fixed with meds etc.. and i have a psych etc…

Answer by nightmight
changing the way you think actually can change your brain. are generally thought to have origins in biology, psychology and environment but that doesn’t mean that certain conditions can’t be treated successfully with therapy alone.

give CBT your best shot. if it’s not working and you need more help, then consider whether you could benefit from an SSRI or anxiolytic.

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