Is It Ever Possible to “Get Over” PTSD?
Question by Phillip: Is it ever possible to “get over” PTSD?
My dad has PTSD and I’m just wondering will he ever be “normal” again? Cuz I’m worried about his health
Best answer:
Answer by Hunter Whitley
Well not get over but learn to live with is possible but not easy a guy at my church was a marine in Vietnam and he still hasn’t go over it
Answer by Glen Benton
No, we that suffer from it will never get over it. Not according to experts anyway. You just learn to deal with.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
The Toll of Untreated Veteran PTSD, in One Devastating Graphic
Despite government attempts to increase the accessibility of PTSD screenings and education, many veterans struggle with mental disorders that have been caused or exacerbated in the line of duty. And as … According to a RAND study, "about 57% of those … Read more on PolicyMic
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Tags: treatment for depression, major depressive disorder, mental disorder, mental disorders