Is It Okay to Take Xanax and Alcohol?

Question by Best Advice: Is it okay to take xanax and alcohol?
I take xanax regular for my anxiety but i was wonder if it was ok to take it with alcohol, cause from the warning label it just says it “May increases the effects of alcohol”. My friends ask me to go out drinking with them and i feel bad turning them down.

Best answer:

Answer by Vanessa E
If you drink, you will probably feel drunker sooner. If you decide to go out with your friends, make sure that you have a big meal beforehand (having food in your stomach slows down the absorption of alcohol). Can you go easy on the drinks? Alternating alcoholic drinks with soft drinks can be a good idea, or nurse one drink for ages.

Answer by KH
Xanax is a benzodiazepine which has sedative effects.
Alcohol also has sedative the two together will have an additive effect.
Benzos and alcohol are generally a bad mix..if you go overboard you could accidentally kill yourself because you will depress your respiratory system. Think Heath Ledger.

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Alcohol through you – A short video made by students at the about how alcohol moves through your body.


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