Is It Social Anxiety or Depression?
Question by ddrakes3: Is it social anxiety or depression?
I’m twenty eight with three kids, and for the past few months I’m always tired, I can’t really sleep, I only eat like obce a day,I feel like crying constantly for no reason, I have tightness in my chest at times and I feel my heart beating fast. I have high blood pressure, and lately I’ve been having thoughts of hurting myself.I feel sad and worthless, i have no friends and nobody to talk too and my kids father is currently locked up on some serious charges. I can’t talk to my family because they will probably say I feel this way because he got locked up but I’ve been feeling like this and trying to get over it for about a year now.I’m currently in school and at times I don’t really feel like going and being around people. Im always by myself.I really think I need help,what should I do?
Best answer:
Answer by Ava
maybe you shouldnt have had that many kids.
Answer by Popfan S
You need to interact more! I’ve felt this way before. The more that you sit around doing nothing, alone… the more you’ll be depressed. I used to sit around all day and it’d make me depressed, because it gives you time to think about all the shit happening in your life (I know that word will be blocked, but for real, shit happens).
Just get out and meet new people and have a good time to forget about your problems for a while!
and most of all… DON’T hurt yourself , EVER.
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Tags: health care, bangor daily news, support group, daily news, signs of depression
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