Is It True That PWD Support Groups Are the Same as This Area of Y!A?

Question by M??????: Is it true that PWD support groups are the same as this area of Y!A?
I have never joined a support group for PWD. I have been to bipolar & depression support groups. I read another answer that states that the same kind of bickering and exclusion that happens here also happens in other PWD groups. Is that true? Have you experienced that?

Although there were arguments in the support groups I have been to it was usually about medication, alternative medicine and such. I never witnessed any bullying or discrimination. I have also been in behavioral hospitals and it is the same there too.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Best answer:

Answer by Paranormal Kitty
If I went to a support group that was anything like answers I think I would spend the entire session under my chair.

Bettie, I second you on the NTs. They are the ones that have a disability!

Answer by SSA Certified Disabled PWD KING
Yes, it is true in what I have spoken because when I speak of groups, I speak about various PWD groups in general concerning bickering and exclusion.

Concerning PWD support groups, these are the PWD support groups that I am talking about.

1. “Closed PWD Only Support Groups” which are in existence in which I do fully support and fully endorse.

2. “Closed Specific Disability Only Support Groups” which are in existence in which I do fully support and fully endorse.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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