Is There Such a Thing as a Psychiatric Symptom?

Question by Joe Conrad: Is there such a thing as a psychiatric symptom?
In a recent conversation with a psychiatric nurse, she repeatedly referred to psychiatric symptoms. Did she actually mean “psychotic symptoms?”

It is my understanding that psychiatrists treat patients who have both physiological and psychological (behavioral) symptoms, that’s why a psychiatrist needs both a medical as well as a psychological educational background.

Since psychiatrists have arguably evolved (or degenerated, depending on your point of view) to handle only cases involving the manipulation of neurotransmitters, the imbalance of which causes psychotic symptoms (audio and visual hallucinations, delusions, obsessive/compulsive behavior, paranoia, etc.), Is it possible that the terms “psychotic symptoms” and “psychiatric symptoms” have come to be synonymous? Is it also possible that the field of psychiatry has degenerated to the point that all psychiatrists know how to do is prescribe medication, which has come to be known as “meds?”

Am I missing something?

Best answer:

Answer by mike m

Answer by justbeingher
There are other psychological symptoms ,besides psychosis, which are coded.

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