Is There Such Thing as a Reasoning Sickness?

Question by rosewood: Is there such thing as a reasoning sickness?
I have a family member, I’ll call Joe, who is 33 yrs old, of normal inteligence, who has trouble functioning in society because his reasoning is soooo bizzar! His wife & children left him recently and it makes all of us very sad. He has trouble holding down a job, he will lock onto ideas that he heard when he was younger (that have nothing to do with his situation)and he tries to force family members to apply them to him. Its hard to explain. Doctors called him depressed awhile back (not bipolar) but I don’t think that’s it, all the medicine didn’t help at all. I met someone who told me of a “reasoning disorder”, (I can’t remember the name) and said that Joe’s reasoning pattern sounded exactly the same as her son. She also said there was no medicine to fix it. They have to go through behavior modification exercises, which is easy to do with a child but not an adult who has no logic in his reasoning. Can someone help me with the name of the sickness IF you’ve ever heard of it?

Best answer:

Answer by vishal
its a normal huaman behaviour n u needa tolerate it!!!!!!

Answer by Sue P
I can’t think of a specific name for anything but it sounds like something to do with his executive functioning abilities. Executive Functioning is the ability to integrate past experience and future anticipation into a plan for present action. Maybe you could look up executive functioning disorders and see if any thing rings a bell.

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