Jarvis Jenkins Suspended: Redskins DE Out 4 Games for Failed Drug Test

Jarvis Jenkins Suspended: Redskins DE Out 4 Games For Failed Drug Test
Each suspension comes with its own backstory – Williams, Davis and Jackson were sanctioned for , the rest for performance-enhancing drugs – but coach Mike Shanahan acknowledged the troubling trend. "We have emphasized it," … New York … Read more on Huffington Post

Conservatives: Defund Obamacare or shut down the government
Among those who signed onto the letter: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. Over in the House, a large contingent of House Republicans are pushing a similar strategy, led by Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina. Read more on Daily Caller

What ever happened to the 'Home Improvement' brothers?
He produced an indie film starring Melanie Griffith, which says a lot about both careers. Bryan, who seems like he has a good head on his shoulders, never got caught with drugs or anything like that. Good for him. Tags: Home Improvement, Jonathan … Read more on Daily Caller

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