Jehovah’s Witnesses:why Dont You Follow Jesus’ Example & Get Baptised Well After Your “Bloom of Youth”
Question by ~testube Jebus~: Jehovah’s Witnesses:why dont you follow jesus’ example & get baptised well after your “bloom of youth”
JW kids have to wait to start any kind of romantic relationship till after they are well old enough to know how to handle thier feelings and marriage love..bla bla…but why not encourage kids to think deeply & wait till beyond thier youths so they know EXACTLY what they are dedicating themselves to. ive seen kids as young as 8 getting dunked. do you really think that is appropriate? would you of signed a binding contract at that age? serious question. not trying to be rude.
i am so sorry lioness. i dont know why they seem to think pressuring kids into baptism is a good thing. it does exist because i saw it myself.
im sorry line dancer but i have to disagree with you on that one~
i childs mind is still developing at an early stage. how do they know what is good for them at that age? they dont even know themselves yet. why would anyone encourage a child to stunt thier cognative skills by branding themselves when they are sooo young?
i appreciated that honest well thought out answer. =^..^=
seek & you shall find: i have to bring out extra recognition to this particular part of your answer
“The baptizm was a sign or symbol not a binding contract into any religion”
i couldnt of said it better myself~ good job
Best answer:
Answer by Unsilenced Lioness
I have to agree with you. Being that the penalty for stepping out of line with Watchtower rules is disfellowshipping ( which Jesus NEVER practiced) Thus loss of friends and family.
They have no business baptizing anyone under the age of 30.
I was the ripe old age of 13 when I got baptized. I hadn’t even started minstrating yet. But because of that choice, I have had no contact with my family for over 25 them I don’t exist. Dead…
Answer by LineDancer
What does the bloom of youth have to do with symbolizing one’s dedication to Jehovah by water baptism? Absolutely nothing.
Are all Christians to get baptized after they turn 30? No. Preparing for and getting baptized are evidences that a youth is spiritually progressive, regardless of his age. If, as has been suggested, Timothy was still a teenager when he became the apostle Paul’s missionary companion, Timothy was probably baptized when he was in his mid or early teens. He had been instructed in the Scriptures from infancy, and once equipped with adequate knowledge and appreciation, he did not hesitate to get baptized.
“i am so sorry lioness. i dont know why they seem to think pressuring kids into baptism is a good thing. it does exist because i saw it myself.”
Not true! Children are not pressured to get baptized. In fact, many of them are encoraged to wait a little bit longer.
“They have no business baptizing anyone under the age of 30.”
Is this a pronouncement to JWs or to all religions?
Before persons gets baptized, they are made aware of what a dedication to Jehovah means. They know before baptism that they are required by Scripture to remain spiritually clean in the Christian congregation. If they break the Bible’s standards of moral conduct, they know they could be expelled from the congregation. Disfellowshiped Witnesses will have you believe that it was not their fault for getting disfellowshiped. They want you to think that disfellowshiping is a “JW thing.” They don’t want you to know that most professed Christian religions ALSO expell those who do not comply with certain standards of conduct. Most ex-witnesses will never tell you why they were expelled. Instead, they put the blame on someone else.
“Being that the penalty for stepping out of line with Watchtower rules is disfellowshipping ( which Jesus NEVER practiced)”
Wasn’t Judas expelled from Jesus’ group of intimate friends (the apostles) for being an unremorseful thief and betrayer before Jesus instituted the “Last Supper”?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
North Louisiana Christian Youth Encampment Dance Ministry – Let The Lord Minister To You- Donald Lawrence 2K12.
Tags: friends and family, christian youth, old age