Juvenile Treatment Program Helps Many Teenagers This Year
Juvenile Treatment Program helps many teenagers this year
The court says drug and alcohol addiction continues to grow in Webb County. Treatment manager Victor Oliveros says those with the program are always working to help more people. "Last year we actually received a federal grant for 975,000 dollars to … Read more on KGNS.tv
Recovering substance abusers brave stigma by giving up secrecy
Their tactics echo the strategy of people with HIV and AIDS, who organized in the 1980s to demand treatment, and, more recently, the approach of transgender people. ['And then he …. I was afraid to seek help because . . . it had the potential to … Read more on Washington Post
Los Angeles alcoholic contracted Hepatitis C after injecting drugs ONCE
Two years later, Arvy learned she had Hepatitis C and chlamydia after the routine check-up she had when she entered rehab for alcohol abuse. Arvy's roommate …. 'Alcoholism is an easy trap to fall in to, and there's no shame in putting up your hand … Read more on Daily Mail
Tags: treatment program, drug and alcohol addiction, alcohol addiction, drug and alcohol, washington post, los angeles, alcohol abuse