Keeping Safe in a Big Freeze
Keeping safe in a big freeze
According to Rosenthal those most at risk include seniors, people with diabetes, heart or circulation problems, and those who use alcohol, caffeine and other drugs that hamper the body's response to cold. "Children are also a high-risk group. They are … Read more on My FOX Carolinas
Rick Holmes: Addicts' moms find their voice
For decades, we've been hearing about drug addiction from politicians and police, from prosecutors, professors and the mental health establishment. It's time to hear from an interest group closer than any of them to the problem: the drug addicts' moms. Read more on Taunton Daily Gazette
The holidays can be difficult for those in recovery
"There are a lot of parties and a lot of celebrations around the holidays. I think that adds to the stress of folks struggling with substance abuse," she said. After the holidays, Jackson Recovery Centers sees an increase in patient admissions. The … Read more on Sioux City Journal
Kicking the addiction – The island’s drug and alcohol recovery centers are opening their doors to the community to find out what you can do to help family members or even yourselves…
Tags: alcohol recovery, sioux city, drug and alcohol, mental health