Letter: Effects of Alcohol on Pregnancy
by AaverageJoe
Letter: Effects of alcohol on pregnancy
I was very pleased to read your article, “Women and Alcohol,” on Monday in the Health section of The State Journal-Register. However, I was concerned that nothing was mentioned about the effects of consuming alcohol while being pregnant or trying to … Read more on The State Journal-Register
Drivers education shows effects of alcohol and drugs
LOWER TOWNSHIP – Lower Cape May Regional High School Resource Officer Michael Perry, of the Lower Township Police Department, instructed 10th grade drivers' education students on the effects of alcohol and drugs, and provided an over view of DWI … Read more on Shore News Today
Can Beer Keep You Healthy?
(Scientists are now hoping to work on some non-alcoholic products for little ones in light of their discovery). Still, we see nothing wrong with a doing a little celebratory toast to beer's potentially life-saving qualities. Cheers, ladies! Want more … Read more on Cosmopolitan (blog)
Physical Effects of Alcohol – This title summarizes research that shows how alcohol effects the entire body, both immediately and long-term. Issues such as pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome, cirrhosis, cancer and heart disease are also discussed. www.NHV.com
Tags: alcohol and drugs, heart disease, fetal alcohol syndrome