Looking for Natural Remedies for Bi-Polar/schizophrenia?

Question by : Looking for natural remedies for bi-polar/schizophrenia?
I am on 300mgs of seroquel to control what my Primary Care Physician calls “bipolar disorder” and my psychiatrist calls “schizophrenia” (i assume the specialist is right but then again who knows…) it is helping with my symptoms and has been helping for about a year now, the problem is the sleepiness if robbing me of my life. i am CONSTANTLY tired, it doesnt matter if i get even 13 hours of sleep, i am so darn sleepy, plus reports keep saying the medicine is dangerous. I recently cut my does in half to 150mgs daily, which has helped my worries but not my constant tiredness. Is there any natural remedies that anyone can recommend to help schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder? I heard Omega 2 EPA with anywhere from 2000-4000mgs per day helped, however i dont know where to get that kind of concentration without having to pop 7 pills a day. I also heard B vitamins, folic acid and zinc help…

-does anyone have ANY advice??

Best answer:

Answer by Ms Kitty
Please do not try natural remedies……… they do not work. Talk to your doctor about the side effects you are having with Seroquel. There are other anti psychotics you can try. Abilify is awesome! Geodon makes you sleepy for a couple of weeks but it goes away. Please try a different drug before going off your meds…..

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US missiles kill 16 militants in NW Pakistan

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U.S. Rep. .'s campaign has been virtually silent for months as he receives treatment for bipolar disorder. Now there are whispers that the congressman is under investigation …. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the …
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