Mental Health Concerns Take Center Stage at School Committee Meeting
Mental Health Concerns Take Center Stage at School Committee Meeting
Interface Referral Service is an existing resource for Westford families trying to navigate the mental health system and get support for their children undergoing depression, stress or anxiety. Sue Hanly, a nurse at Stony Brook School and a member of … Read more on Westford Eagle
Neuroscience may offer hope to millions robbed of silence by tinnitus
But his depression and insomnia were getting worse. … "That's where the first thing goes wrong," said Josef Rauschecker, a professor of neuroscience at the Georgetown University Medical Center, who has been researching tinnitus for nearly a decade. Read more on PBS
New care center ready to bring back memories
An increase in natural light within the building is helping to reset the pineal glands which control sleep and wake cycles, decrease depression and increase overall well-being. Additional changes in paint colors were made to help residents to better … Read more on Beloit Daily News
Overcoming Depression | Center for Conscious Living | Naperville, IL (630) 249-1983 – Overcome Your Depression NOW! Learn Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Self-Hypnosis. Center for Conscious …
Tags: rational emotive behavior therapy, mental health, mental health concerns, stony brook, stony brook school, university medical center