Millions of “loved” Air Purifiers w/Ozone, Used for YEARS in Cal., ZERO Reported Injuries, Yet BANNED. Why?
Question by Han G Thesobs: Millions of “loved” Air Purifiers w/Ozone, used for YEARS in Cal., ZERO reported injuries, yet BANNED. Why?
The Ca Air Resources Board (CARB) decided in a small town to ban the air purifiers whose “owners” have bragged for decades of helping eliminate air pollution, odors, toxins, VOC’s, and dust in homes… and asthma attacks by sufferers. Millions of long-term (2-20 years) users ALL over the country and world-wide, yet not a ONE was polled or researched…
Best answer:
Answer by OzoneGuy
Yes, you have to love “public protection by statistics”.
Ozone inhalation causes lung problems, enhances asthma, kills red blood cells (or at least marks them for destruction), is a cause of turning good cholesterol into bad, of turning bad cholesterol into plaque, and is suspected in misfolding of proteins that lead to some forms of Alzheimer’s. Can you imagine why *anyone* would think it was a good idea to allow someone to expose themselves to such risks?
Next they’ll ban alcohol…
Answer by Mark r
This video called ” the dangers of Ozone air purifiers” explains it best:
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Health Project – Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking –
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Tags: south africa, air pollution, air purifiers