My Mom Is Addicted to Alcohol & Smoking and Wants to Stop, but Can’t. My Brother Treats Me Horribly.?
Question by gratewake: My mom is addicted to alcohol & smoking and wants to stop, but can’t. My brother treats me horribly.?
How do I put an end to these things? I need suggestions and answers please!
my dad knows about these problems. the drinking and smoking has been going on for as long as i can remember and my brother is 3 years older than me and always irritates me until i’m about to snap
Best answer:
Answer by Shue
Either tell your dad what’s going on or tell the school nurse. Someone needs to help you before things get worse. Your mother has to get professional help, too.
Answer by James Blackley
If your mom really wants to stop, then she needs to go to a rehab treatment centre. Your mom did the first big step and admitted to herself and others that she needs help, but she cannot do this on her own and actually it’ll be dangerous if she does. The thing is your Mom is so addicted to alchol that if she goes cold turkey she could suffer medical problems when she “detoxes, that is why she needs to be at a rehab centre that way she has doctors around her that can help her through the withdrawls.
Most rehab centres are 90 days, and then they have “outpatient treatment programs”. I don’t know where you live, but your Mom needs to do some research on this herself and make arrangements to go to rehab.
Good luck.
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