Natural Bipolar Treatment


Natural Bipolar Treatment – Successful Treatment of With a Nutritional Supplement: Ten Cases Recent research on various nutrients has suggested that some mental illness might be ameliorated by supplementation. Much work has focused on essential fatty acids (1), although various minerals are also being studied (especially zinc). We are evaluating a broad-based nutritional supplement that contains primarily trace minerals, plus vitamins and amino acids. Recent work has suggested that crops grown with western farming methods contain fewer of these essential nutrients than they did in years past (2) . Although we have been examining the effects of the supplement on a variety of psychiatric symptoms in both children and adults, it appears to be particularly promising for bipolar disorder in adults. We will present an open case series of 10 male patients aged 20-46 years who thus far have taken the supplement for 1.5 – 6 months. Four were diagnosed with Bipolar I, four with Bipolar II, one with Bipolar Mixed, and one with Bipolar-NOS. In most cases, the supplement has entirely replaced psychoactive medications and the patients have remained well. Side effects (eg, nausea) have been rare, minor, and transitory. In all cases, the patients have been evaluated periodically with the Hamilton-Depression Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, and the Young Mania Rating Scale. The change in mean scores for each scale from study entry to the time of the last


Novel Antipsychotic Treats Acute Mania in Bipolar Disorder

Filed under: bipolar treatment

PHOENIX – The novel atypical antipsychotic drug cariprazine is effective for the treatment of acute mania associated with bipolar I disorder, according to findings from a randomized, placebo-controlled phase III study. In 158 patients randomized to …
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Axed rower Pippa Savage treated for bipolar disorder

Filed under: bipolar treatment

It has since been discovered Savage has been in treatment for bipolar disorder, a mental illness that can lead to extreme moods. "I was not privy or aware of any mental-illness issue with Pippa Savage. This is the first I've heard of it and it …
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Common Cat Anesthetic Used To Treat Depressed Patients

Filed under: bipolar treatment

“We think that these findings are of true importance given that we only have a few treatments approved for acute bipolar depression, and none of them have this rapid onset of action; they usually take weeks or longer to have comparable antidepressant …
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