Nicole: “Treated Like Family…”


Nicole: “Treated like family…” – Nicole Pennamon was lying down. When she got up, she lost her balance and hit the wall. Pennamon was unable to get back up and had difficulty speaking. Her d…


Soliris(R) Significantly Improved Clinical Outcomes in Patients with aHUS in
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) today announced that data published in the June 6 issue of The of Medicine (NEJM) demonstrate that chronic Soliris(R) (eculizumab) therapy is effective in the treatment of patients with … Read more on MarketWatch

York stroke drill stresses importance of fast treatment
"The brain is irreplaceable," she said. "You can replace anything else." Treatment and prevention: But there is good news: 80 percent of strokes are preventable and treatable when diagnosed and treated promptly. The greatest chance for recovery from … Read more on York Dispatch

Touch screen computers aid stroke victims
TOUCH screen computers are becoming a life changing tool for stroke patients across south Bucks, whose recovery is being aided by the technology. The devices … As a speech therapy team we can't provide that can kind of intensive therapy. "The aim of … Read more on Bucks Free Press

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