NMSU Has Little in Common With Its Opening-Round Opponent in NCAA Tournament
NMSU has little in common with its opening-round opponent in NCAA Tournament
The main campus is just blocks from St. Louis' famous Gateway Arch along the Mississippi River. Green grass and green trees decorate the … Nursing, biology and physical therapy are the most common majors. NMSU has four community colleges across the … Read more on Las Cruces Sun-News
Portrait of a performance artist as her own biggest fan
At the exhibition, which attracted over 750,000 visitors, Abramovic recreated several of her famous early performance works, such as "Nude with a Skeleton" and "Point of Contact" (which she created with her former partner and collaborator, Ulay). These … Read more on Haaretz
Famous Physical Therapy Tip #1 for Back Pain – “Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present Tip #1 on how to stop, treat, or relieve low back pain.
Tags: physical therapist, physical therapists, physical therapy