Outpatient Drug Counseling | Rehab After Work | Ewing, NJ (609) 359-4009
Outpatient Drug Counseling | Rehab After Work | Ewing, NJ (609) 359-4009 – Outpatient drug counseling will help you fight your addiction! http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Rehab After Work (RAW) and Rehab After School is a licens…
Allentown police officer fired for off-duty drunken disturbance
During his hearing, Rush said he entered inpatient rehabilitation after the incident, followed by intensive outpatient rehab. Not enough officers. Additionally, council approved the hiring of three new patrolmen, contingent upon their completion of the … Read more on The Express-Times
Home-based exercise programs may improve hip fracture recovery
"Outpatient physical therapy services are typically delivered in discrete short-term episodes and include a limited number of visits. After an episode is completed, the patient is discharged with a written home exercise program and instructions to … Read more on Medical News Today
Capital Health Care: LICH supporters split; state denies Visiting Nurse Services
"Mount Sinai intends to invest in outpatient services," CEO Kenneth Davis said in a letter obtained by Capital. Jeff Blau, CEO of Related … They also suggest that an unsuspected side effect of anti-inflammatory treatments such as prednisone may be … Read more on Capital New York
Tags: outpatient rehab, physical therapy services, home exercise program, police officer, hip fracture, exercise program