PART1 Alcoholism and Diet Talk at Hawthorn University


PART1 Alcoholism and Diet Talk at Hawthorn University – Join Chef Of The People Nathan Donahoe ( as he gives a talk at Hawthorn University ( on his experience of working as Executive Chef and nutritionist at drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Malibu California. Learn such juicy tidbits as what organic, natural foods help heal alcoholism and addiction and what foods hurt.


St Jude Retreats Reveals Addiction Treatment Industry Possess Healthy

Filed under: alcohol rehabilitation centers in

The program is the only effective alternative to alcohol rehab and centers and is currently 85% more effective than treatment. The program is endorsed by internationally acclaimed professionals and addiction research authors such as Prof.
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle


Women's rehab facility worries new neighbors in Modesto

Filed under: alcohol rehabilitation centers in

"I want to give them all the information on who we really are," said Dane Helding, executive director of Nirvana Drug and Alcohol Treatment Institute, which also operates two residential inpatient treatment centers for men and outpatient programs …
Read more on Modesto Bee


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