Picking Up a Drink? Put the Keys Down

Picking up a drink? Put the keys down
Studies published in Alexander Wagenaar's book, “Alcohol, Young Drivers and Traffic Accidents,” show that the fatality rate among women ages 18-24 per 100 million miles traveled is three times the rate for women ages 30-60. Likewise, younger men have … Read more on Northern Iowan

Acclaimed Psychotherapist Susan Winston Joins Prominence Treatment Center
She takes a no-nonsense approach to therapy, cutting through to the core of her patient's problems, quickly helping them towards their own solutions. Her extensive experience working with those struggling from , eating disorders and … Read more on PR Web (press release)

Is Thunder Bay headed in the right direction?
It is likely that the provincial liquor inspector needs to be more engaged in the downtown Fort William Business District to ensure that all the laws regarding the service of alcohol are followed by businesses in the core. Now is the time to start … Read more on Net Newsledger


Alcohol – a treacherous water, liquid evil – Alcohol is Evil water.


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